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7/10 The Role of Discipline in Defeating Resistance
Welcome to the seventh instalment of our 10-part series inspired by Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art. In our previous articles, we’ve tackled recognizing and combating Resistance, adopting a professional mindset, and overcoming self-doubt. Today, we’ll explore the crucial role of discipline in defeating Resistance and how to cultivate it effectively.
The Importance of Discipline
Discipline is the backbone of any successful endeavour. It is the commitment to show up every day, put in the work, and push through challenges, even when motivation wanes. Pressfield emphasizes the importance of discipline in overcoming Resistance, stating, “The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying.”
Characteristics of Discipline
Discipline involves several key characteristics that help counteract Resistance:
1. Consistency:
- Consistency is about showing up and doing the work regularly, regardless of how you feel. It builds momentum and helps establish a routine.
- Example: A writer might commit to writing 500 words every day, no matter what.