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Beyond Perfection: 7 Practical Tips for Making Writing a Seamless Part of My Life
For years, I saw writing as a mountain that I would continuously attempt to climb and constantly fall down. I found that I couldn’t make that constant climb apart of my life unless the ‘Right Mood Struck Me’. That fleeting mood saw me write prolifically but as with anything that is fleeting I found that once that mood waned, finished project or not, it would deteriorate into weeks of inactivity.
After years of experiencing this cycle I began to realise that writing isn’t a task. For me I had to reframe it as a gateway to a myriad of opportunities that was waiting for me. This realisation forced me to address my former approach and reshape it into a true writing practice rather than a task that I partake in on a whim.
Here are the invaluable lessons that have reshaped my relationship with writing so far:
Write What Excites You
There’s a common trap of writing through which I have fallen prey too continuously which is attempting to write what we think we should rather than what truly excites me. Writing in this medium should be the free expression of your thoughts rather than a misconstrued and inauthentic representation of what you think the platform would respond positively too. This inauthenticity makes it quite…