Don’t get stuck at the stage of aspiration, Embrace the Journey
If I tell you to think of someone that you aspire to be more than likely you can come up with a name in an instant. It is more than likely dwelling in the back of your conscious mind, ready to be called upon at a moments notice.
The people that you aspire to be could be anyone. If you are a budding entrepreneur wanting to dominate the online space, you aspire to be Jeff Bezos. You could be a fitness fanatic wanting to venture into film productions like Dwayne Johnson. But you could also be aspiring to become a caring parent, a provider for your future family or just a honourable and upstanding person in your small community.

You thought of someone because we all have at least one person in our lives who we want to be or who we would like to emulate. They may have the lifestyle that we want or drive the car that we like or live in a place that we desire.
No matter what the reason is for your aspiration, as people we all seem to pine over this ideal of who we want to be.
I am not writing this to deter anyone from being aspirational. In fact, the opposite is true, I hope that all of you reading this aspire for more. I do however want to pullback the veil and present you with a sense of realism that too often gets rejected as mere scepticism.
I want to reassure you that I am a firm believer of aspiring for more, but as I write this sitting on my parents couch as a 20 year old university student I am realistic enough to know that I will not be who I aspire to be when I wake up tomorrow. Moreover, I believe that I will never be who I aspire to be because I aspire to be me on January 20th, 2022. Then on January 20th, 2022 I will aspire to be me on January 20th, 2023 and so on until my time is up on being able to aspire any longer.
Some may say that this outlook is morbid or depressing because I could be seen to never reach my aspiration but I see it as a constant reminder to keep striving. I know that who I am today is better than who I was yesterday and I know that I aspire to be a better version of myself tomorrow and that endless cycle continuing is essential in ensuring that I never stagnant and that I better myself.
Embrace The Journey, that’s what I hope you take from this today. It is all well and good to have large scale aspirations as they do indeed challenge us to be better but the need to embrace the journey on your way to reaching your initial aspiration is critical.
Ultimately, your desired aspiration my take weeks, months, years or it may never come to fruition, making the need to embrace each step along your journey for self-improvement an imperative part of enjoying each and every day rather than pinning all of your pent up happiness on an aspired target that may never come to pass.
In my mind the latter is not the way to live because the journey is the bulk of the fun.