Member-only story
Euro Trip 2023 WOD #1

As I sit in comfort, sipping on a Gin and Tonic, waiting for my oncoming flight to Athens I am basking in gratitude. I am continuing to revel in appreciation for what my current lifestyle has afforded me. I am in the position to travel and explore new worlds and internalise new found truths about society and how I meld into its progression.
This mindset has also been largely spurred on from lines in ‘The Untold Want’ in Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman where he writes:
The untold want by life and land ne’er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.
The use of Voyager in these lines grabbed me as the perfect framing for my travels that I am embarking on. These past few years of my life have been thwart with unresolved questions and increasing uncertainty as to how I proceed in life and my ultimate life’s task.
I chose to take a 2 month voyage to Europe with the aim of decompressing from past internalised failures and to revel in my innate curiousity to allow my self expression to become externalised with the hope that this voyage with cultivate a curated set of questions that I can place into logical goals and achievable systems to ultimately seek my truth for my inner purpose. So as I begin this new chapter of voyaging in my life I encourage all who read this post to either rethink there internalised assumptions and to take the necessary steps to embark on a voyage of your own or share this with someone that you believe needs to embark on a new voyage of their own.