Member-only story
Pushing the Publish Button, a Prolonged Agony
When one doesn’t write for prolonged periods there mind becomes cloudier with incoherent thoughts and internal ramblings, unable to be distilled verbally or in written prose. As I listened to Tim Ferriss discuss this topic with David Perrell recently I began to this restrospectively on my increasingly incoherent thoughts and the clear correlation with a lack of writing that I clearly not been doing recently.
It wasn’t always like this.

For those who have followed me on Medium or have read my previous musings over the last few years you would have seen that I have dabbled with writing publicly for my own personal enjoyment but that is not all the writing that I have done. I have traditionally been a daily prompted journal guy, jotting down key items of gratitude from the day prior or my expectations for the day ahead and so forth. This act has generally held me to a baseline health in my mental clarity. This act at times has also been bolstered by the act of doing morning pages in a similar vein to the teachings of Julia Cameron in the Artists Way. Those days when I put pen to paper (or more truthfully, keystrokes to word document) are deeply connected to a demystifying of my mind and an overwhelming sense of clarity illuminating itself within my mind.